PIN 5765.45 Henning Drive over Branch Smokes Creek - BNY

New Project

The Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC), the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Erie and Niagara Counties, is proposing to amend the 2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) by adding one (1) new project.

Project will restore the bridge condition rating to a 5 or greater for at least 75 years using cost-effective techniques to minimize the life cycle cost of maintenance and repair.

  • Proposed cross section to include 10-foot lanes and 2-foot shoulders to conform to the NYSDOT Bridge Manual minimum bridge width standards for rural local roads.

  • Proposed span length of 35 feet as compared to the existing 20 feet. This results in an increased waterway opening.

  • The bridge will be skewed to align the opening with the adjacent channel, improving the hydraulic performance.

  • New bridge railing and approach railing meeting current Highway Design Manual standards.

  • Minor roadway reconstruction for construction of the structure and tie-in to the existing roadway.

  • Stone fill bank protection to improve stream flow through the area and protect the new structure from scour.

Total project cost is $1.927M. Fiscal constraint is maintained as project was awarded a $1,831,000 Bridge New York award. Federal funds constitute 95% of the total funds, with the remaining 5% being the required Town of Orchard Park match. Any expenses exceeding the award is the responsibility of the Sponsor (the Town of Orchard Park).

The GBNRTC is currently in consultation with the Interagency Consultation Group for Air Quality Conformity (ICG) for a Transportation Conformity determination. Exemption Code A19 - Widening narrow pavements or reconstructing bridges (no additional travel lanes).

Let (obligation) is scheduled for 4/27.

Public comments will be received for 30 days from 3/6/25 until Close of Business (COB) on 4/5/25.

Click here for the full Public Notice document

If you have any additional questions or comments please email us at, or contact us at the address and telephone number above.

The Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC) assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, disability or national origin, as provided by Title VI of the Unites States Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent legislation, regulations, statutes and orders, be excluded from participation in,